Attention! This bookmarklet is OUTDATED. Install the Chrome extension instead.

Bookmarklets to Extend and Improve Originator UX

autoQC_Aug25 autoQC_shotInfo


Usage: Drag the button(s) to your Bookmarks Bar in Chrome and run in a started, saved Originator task. If you want shot change validation, please click Get Shot Changes button first. Note that that will make a query to the Originator servers. Shot change information is then stored locally and reused on consequent runs.
>View sample report without shot change information.

UPDATE: If you want to change the default language, press any key within 2 seconds of clicking the Auto QC button and enter a language code (EN, RU, FR, GR, PT-BR)

I am working on adding more languages. If the limits for your language are not 42 characters per line, 17 cps normal, 22.6 max, please contact me for a custom version.
Contact me at katzurki@gmail.com


Current version: v.1.4 released on June 8 2020.
By the way, I've written a bunch of other tools.